
Heritage Fund Account

The church building has been standing strong since its construction in 1956. However, in the last decade, we’ve had to make some major renovations that were beyond our normal budget for building maintenance. These renovations included the refurbishment of the glass windows, bell tower, and presently the roof refurbishing. To help us cover the costs of these exceptional incidents, we’ve created a Heritage Fund Account. This account is specifically intended to provide the necessary cushion for the restoration, renovation, or transformation of existing buildings or exterior spaces. Our goal is to continue sharing our services with the local community, and this fund will help us achieve that.

You can use the link below to donate (a charity donation receipt will be directly emitted to you if you supply the required minimum information). Alternatively, your donation can be deposited in the basket at church, in a yellow envelope (your charity receipt will be issued in February).

In these difficult times, we thank you for giving generously to Saint-Francis of Assisi’s Parish. Your ongoing support is much appreciated.